Stream Restoration
Many stream restoration projects require Imbricated Rip Rap and Reinforced Stream Bedding Material. Both are available from Cedar Mountain Stone. According to the Stormwater Managers Resource Center (SMRC), in conjunction with the EPA, imbricated Rip Rap is defined as: “… large two to three foot-long boulders arranged like building blocks to stabilize the entire streambank. This practice requires boulders that are generally flat or rectangular in shape to allow them to be stacked with structural integrity.”
Armor Stone is custom sorted to meet any size requirements. Cedar Mountain can furnish Armor Stone ranging from 500 lb. pieces to 20 ton rocks.
Cedar Mountain Stone individually sorts and loads imbricated rip rap products according to the customer’s specifications.
Reinforced Stream Bedding Material was developed by Cedar Mountain Stone under the direction of the leading natural and cultural resources consultant in Northern Virginia. The reinforced bedding is a blend of aggregates and special soils that provide stream bed stability and fertility while a retaining natural appearance.